deathspeakers pendant unique amulets diablo4 wiki guide 122x182px

Deathspeaker's Pendant

Ancestral Unique Amulet

+[30.0]% Resistance to All Elements

+[2 - 3] to Coalesced Blood

+[8.3 - 10.0]% Attack Speed

+[3 - 5] to Blood Surge

+1 Essence per Enemy Drained by Blood Surge

Blood Surge casts a mini nova on your Minions, dealing [41 - 86] damage. Damage is increased by 10% per target drained by the initial cast, up to 50%.

Once a sanctum for Rathma's studies, the Temple of the Deathspeaker became a proving grounds for potential leaders of his priesthood. Its halls are filled with the corpses of those who failed.

Requires Level 73

Sell Value: ~221,767gold currency diablo4 wiki fextralife 25px
Durability: 100/100

Deathspeaker's Pendant is a Unique Amulet in Diablo 4. Deathspeaker's Pendant can be equipped by the Necromancer Class and has unique modifiers that greatly increase the player capabilities. Unique Amulets are special types of Amulets that offer unique effects and abilities that cannot be found on other types of Amulets. These Amulets are usually rare and difficult to obtain, but they offer powerful bonuses that can greatly enhance a player's combat abilities and overall gameplay experience.


Once a sanctum for Rathma's studies, the Temple of the Deathspeaker became a proving grounds for potential leaders of his priesthood. Its halls are filled with the corpses of those who failed.


Deathspeaker's Pendant Modifiers

Deathspeaker's Pendant has the following modifiers:

legendary 1 modifier icon diablo 4 wiki guide 20pxUnique Effect: Blood Surge casts a mini nova on your Minions, dealing [41 - 86] damage. Damage is increased by 10% per target drained by the initial cast, up to 50%.


How to get Deathspeaker's Pendant in Diablo 4

Deathspeaker's Pendant can randomly be obtained by defeating Enemies, opening Chests, or breaking objects in the game world. The game uses a randomized loot system, which means that the items that drop are randomly generated based on several factors.


Deathspeaker's Pendant Notes & Lore

  • Additional Notes and Lore for Deathspeaker's Pendant go here


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