melted heart of selig unique amulets diablo4 wiki guide 122x182px

Melted Heart of Selig

Ancestral Mythic Unique Amulet

800 Item Power

+3.0% Maximum Resistance to All Elements

+30.0% Resistance to All Elements

15.0% Damage Reduction while Healthy

+15.0% Lucky Hit Chance

+25.0% Movement Speed

+15.0% Resource Generation

Gain 60 Maximum Resource

When taking damage, 75% is grained as 2 Resource for every 1% of Maximum Life you would have lost.

"Do not allow your passions to become obsessions. Fuel the fire that burns within you, but it is madness to allow yourself to become ash to please an uncaring universe." - Last words of Master Selig

Requires Level 35

Sell Value: ???gold currency diablo4 wiki fextralife 25px
Durability: 100/100

Melted Heart of Selig is a Unique Amulet in Diablo 4. Melted Heart of Selig can be equipped by all Classes and has unique modifiers that greatly increase the player capabilities. Unique Amulets are special types of Amulets that offer unique effects and abilities that cannot be found on other types of Amulets. These Amulets are usually rare and difficult to obtain, but they offer powerful bonuses that can greatly enhance a player's combat abilities and overall gameplay experience.


"Do not allow your passions to become obsessions. Fuel the fire that burns within you, but it is madness to allow yourself to become ash to please an uncaring universe." - Last words of Master Selig


Diablo 4 Melted Heart of Selig Modifiers

Melted Heart of Selig has the following modifiers:

infobox d4 mythicbulletUnique Effect: When taking damage, 75% is grained as 2 Resource for every 1% of Maximum Life you would have lost.


How to get Melted Heart of Selig in Diablo 4

  • It can be target-farmed by summoning and defeating Duriel, King of Maggots
  • To obtain Mythic Unique Items, enemies must be at least on Torment I difficulty. Getting Mythic items from regular world drops is extremely rare, so it's best to focus on farming Tormented Bosses for a higher chance. Some Mythic items can only drop for specific classes.
  • These bosses have 5 chances to roll a Mythic equipment drop, for a chance of 1.5% each.
  • Mythic items will always drop at Item Power 925.
  • Some Mythic items can only drop for specific classes


How to craft Melted Heart of Selig in Diablo 4

Doombringer can be crafted at The Jeweler, and its ingredients are:


Melted Heart of Selig Notes & Lore

  • Additional Notes and Lore for Melted Heart of Selig go here

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