
nahantu region diablo 4 wiki guide 300px
Waypoints 6
Strongholds 3
Altars of Lilith TBA

Nahantu is a Region in Diablo 4. Nahantu is exclusive to the Vessel of Hatred DLC, which was released on October 8, 2024. Nahantu is to the south of the Sanctuary, also known as "Toraja" (Nahantu is the how the Torajan name their city). Various societies and wildlife have made their home in the jungle. There are six different Regions in Diablo 4, Nahantu is one of them alongside Fractured Peaks, ScosglenDry Steppes, Kehjistan, and Hawezar. Each region has a distinctive feel, as well as different environments and themes.


Information about Nahantu in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred

Expand Sanctuary to discover new towns and bygone civilizations shrouded in the vast jungle of Nahantu. Battle courageously through new dungeons and strongholds and take on new enemies from ferocious demons to warring tribes, the likes of which could only thrive amidst the hellish overgrowth of Kurast or the red-rocked plateaus of Teganze.



Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Nahantu Region Progress

While you adventure through Nahantu, completing diverse tasks and exploring you will earn Renown Points. By reaching certain Renown thresholds in Nahantu, you will earn more and more benefits such as more gold, increased XP or even bonus Skill Points.

200 500 900 1400 2000
+Bonus XP
+100 Gold
+Bonus XP
+1,000 Gold
+ Bonus XP
+10,000 Gold
+ Bonus XP
+100,000 Gold
+ Bonus XP
+1,00,000 Gold
1 Skill Point +1 Potion Charge 1 Skill Point 4 Paragon Points  +80 Max Obols


Please, consult the table below to learn about all the available ways of earning Renown while questing and exploring Nahantu:

Waypoints (6)
Renown Value: 20
Areas Discovered (58)
Renown Value: 5
Strongholds (3)
Renown Value: 100
Side Dungeons (20)
Renown Value: 40
Side Quests (35)
Renown Value: 30
Tenet of Akarat (30)
Renown Value: 0


Locations in Nahantu Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred


Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Nahantu Region Waypoints

In the Nahantu, there are 6 waypoints scattered across the region waiting to be discovered. These special points allow you to move around the area faster, making it easier to reach your destinations.




NPCs in Nahantu

  • [NPC Name]
  • [NPC Name]


Strongholds in Nahantu

The Festering Dark

Hatred festers in a long-forgotten ruin.

Located in Necropolis [Map Link]


Something noxious has taken root in what remains of this once great city

Located in Chakhir [Map Link]


The getaway to Hawezar, a small vilage terrozied by an ever-present threat.

Located in Kichuk [Map Link]



Dungeons and Cellars in Nahantu

Nahantu Dungeons
Nahantu Cellars


Diablo 4 Nahantu Dungeons


The Cauldron

  • None


Field of Giants


  • None

Restless Canopy


The Festering Dark

Five Hills

Seven Stones



  • None

Lingering Hatred

Kurast Bazzar


Diablo 4 Nahantu Cellars



Quests in Nahantu


Enemies in Nahantu


Merchants in Nahantu

Main Merchants

alchemist merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideThe Alchemist


blacksmith merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideThe Blacksmith

  • Mekhal  - [Kichuk] - [Map Link]
  • Alberik  - [Lingering Hatred] - [Map Link]
  • Danilo  - [Kurast] - [Map Link]
  • Behen  - [Five Hills] - [Map Link]
  • Friedrick  - [The Festering Dark] - [Map Link]
  • Yavuz  - [Field of Giants] - [Map Link]


jeweler merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideThe Jeweler


occultist merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideThe Occultist


purveyor of curiosities merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideThe Purveyor of Curiosities

Vendors and Services

weapons merchant merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideWeapons Vendor


armor merchant merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideArmor Vendor

  • Meibela  - [Kichuk] - [Map Link]
  • Yapura  - [Field of Giants] - [Map Link]
  • Atarah  - [Lingering Hatred] - [Map Link]
  • Tapura  - [Kurast] - [Map Link]


rings and amulets merchant merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideRings & Amulets Vendor


healer merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideHealer


stable master merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideStable Master

Miscellaneous Services Points

wardrobe merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideWardrobe


stash merchant icon diablo 4 wiki guideStash


Nahantu Map in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred

nahantu map regions diablo4 wiki guide 600px


Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Nahantu Note & Tips



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