ring of mendeln unique rings diablo4 wiki guide 122x182px

Ring of Mendeln

Ancestral Unique Ring

+[12.5]% Resistance to All Elements

+[12.5]% Shadow Resistance

+[8.0 - 12.5]% Minion Attack Speed

+1 to Skeletal Warrior MasterySkeletal Mage Mastery, and Golem Mastery

+[29.0 - 42.5]% Damage

+[107 - 121] Intelligence

Every 6th attack from each Minion is empowered, exploding for [780 - 1,350] Physical damage.

The signet of Mendeln ul-Diomed, the founder of the Priests of Rathma and the first Necromancer, was lost for over 3,000 years. The immense power over death held within, however, has not diminished.

Requires Level 73

Sell Value: ???gold currency diablo4 wiki fextralife 25px
Durability: 100/100

Ring of Mendeln is a Unique Ring in Diablo 4. Ring of Mendeln can be equipped by the Necromancer Class and has unique modifiers that greatly increase the player capabilities. Unique Rings are considered the pinnacle of Ring gear, offering some of the most powerful bonuses available in the game. They are rare and highly sought-after items that can greatly enhance a player's character build and playstyle. Unique rings have better stats than other rings, including increased damage, defense, resistances, and critical hit chance.


The signet of Mendeln ul-Diomed, the founder of the Priests of Rathma and the first Necromancer, was lost for over 3,000 years. The immense power over death held within, however, has not diminished.


Ring of Mendeln Modifiers

Ring of Mendeln has the following modifiers:

legendary 1 modifier icon diablo 4 wiki guide 20pxUnique Effect: Every 6th attack from each Minion is empowered, exploding for [780 - 1,350] Physical damage.


How to get Ring of Mendeln  in Diablo 4

Ring of Mendeln can randomly be obtained by defeating Enemies, opening Chests, or breaking objects in the game world. The game uses a randomized loot system, which means that the items that drop are randomly generated based on several factors.

  • Ring of Mendeln drops at any Difficulty Tier, but will have an increased drop rate per Torment tier
  • Ring of Mendeln can be target-farmed by summoning and defeating The Beast in the Ice


Ring of Mendeln Notes & Lore

  • Additional Notes and Lore for Ring of Mendeln go here


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