
Core Stat



Grants +1 armor per point. Grants x0.1% skill damage per point of strength for the Barbarian and x0.1% resource generation per point of strength for the Rogue.

Strength is a Core Stat in Diablo 4Strength Increases your armor and grants other stats that vary based on the character class. Below you can find a comprehensive overview of Strength's functionality and how to improve it.


Diablo 4 Strength Effect

  • Grants +1 Armor per point.
  • Grants x0.1% skill damage per point of strength for the Barbarian
  • Grants x0.1% resource generation per point of strength for the Rogue


Skills, Stats & Equipment that provide Strength in Diablo 4

Amethysts provides bonus to Strength:


Diablo 4 Strength Notes and Tips

  • Notes and tips goes here


All Stats and Attributes in Diablo 4
Armor  ♦  Armor (Basic Stat)  ♦  Armor (Stat)  ♦  Armor Contribution  ♦  Armor Contribution (PvP)  ♦  Armor from Golem  ♦  Attack Power  ♦  Attack Speed  ♦  Berserking Duration  ♦  Bonus Lucky Hit Chance  ♦  Character Level  ♦  Chill Application  ♦  Cold Resistance  ♦  Control Impaired Duration Reduction  ♦  Cooldown Reduction  ♦  Critical Strike  ♦  Critical Strike Chance  ♦  Critical Strike Damage  ♦  Critical Strike Damage Bonus  ♦  Critical Strike Damage vs Crowd Controlled  ♦  Critical Strike Damage with Bone  ♦  Critical Strike Damage with Earth  ♦  Critical Strike Damage with One-Handed  ♦  Damage  ♦  Damage from Blood Orb  ♦  Damage from Dodging  ♦  Damage from Golem  ♦  Damage Reduction from Bleeding  ♦  Damage Reduction from Burning  ♦  Damage Reduction from Chilled  ♦  Damage Reduction from Close  ♦  Damage Reduction from Distant  ♦  Damage Reduction from DoT  ♦  Damage Reduction from Elites  ♦  Damage Reduction from Poisoned  ♦  Damage Reduction from Shadow Dot  ♦  Damage Reduction from Slowed  ♦  Damage Reduction from Trapped  ♦  Damage Reduction from Vulnerable  ♦  Damage Reduction while Fortified  ♦  Damage Reduction while Healthy  ♦  Damage vs Bleeding  ♦  Damage vs Burning  ♦  Damage vs Chilled  ♦  Damage vs Close  ♦  Damage vs Crowd Controlled  ♦  Damage vs Distant  ♦  Damage vs Elites  ♦  Damage vs Healthy  ♦  Damage vs Injured  ♦  Damage vs Poisoned  ♦  Damage vs Shadow Dot  ♦  Damage vs Stunned  ♦  Damage vs Trapped  ♦  Damage while Berserking  ♦  Damage while Fortified  ♦  Damage while Healthy  ♦  Damage while Human  ♦  Damage while Werebear  ♦  Damage while Werewolf  ♦  Damage with Axe  ♦  Damage with Basic  ♦  Damage with Bleeding  ♦  Damage with Bludgeoning  ♦  Damage with Bone  ♦  Damage with Cold  ♦  Damage with Companion  ♦  Damage with Conjuration  ♦  Damage with Core  ♦  Damage with Crackling Energy  ♦  Damage with Cutthroat  ♦  Damage with Earth  ♦  Damage with Fire  ♦  Damage with Fire Over Time  ♦  Damage with Golem  ♦  Damage with Imbued  ♦  Damage with Lightning  ♦  Damage with Mace  ♦  Damage with Mages  ♦  Damage with Marksman  ♦  Damage with Mastery  ♦  Damage with Minions  ♦  Damage with Nature Magic  ♦  Damage with Non-Physical  ♦  Damage with One-Handed  ♦  Damage with Physical  ♦  Damage with Poison  ♦  Damage with Poisoning  ♦  Damage with Polearm  ♦  Damage with Shadow  ♦  Damage with Shadow Over Time  ♦  Damage with Shapeshifting  ♦  Damage with Skills  ♦  Damage with Slashing  ♦  Damage with Storm  ♦  Damage with Swapped Weapons  ♦  Damage with Sword  ♦  Damage with Trap  ♦  Damage with Warrior  ♦  Damage with Werebear  ♦  Damage with Werewolf  ♦  Dexterity  ♦  Dodge Chance  ♦  Dodge Change  ♦  Elite Kill Movement Speed  ♦  Energy Regeneration  ♦  Essence Generation  ♦  Essence On Kill  ♦  Fire Resistance  ♦  Fortify (Stat)  ♦  Fury Generation  ♦  Fury On Kill  ♦  Golem Armor  ♦  Golem Attack Speed  ♦  Golem Life  ♦  Golem Resist All  ♦  Healing  ♦  Healing from Blood Orbs  ♦  Healing from Potions  ♦  Imbuement Cooldown Reduction  ♦  Intelligence  ♦  Life  ♦  Life On Kill  ♦  Life Regeneration  ♦  Lightning Resistance  ♦  Lucky Hit Chance  ♦  Mage Resist All  ♦  Mana Cost Reduction  ♦  Mana Regeneration  ♦  Maximum Essence  ♦  Maximum Fury  ♦  Maximum Life  ♦  Maximum Mana  ♦  Maximum Potion Charges  ♦  Maximum Spirit  ♦  Minion Armor  ♦  Minion Attack Speed  ♦  Minion Damage Reduction  ♦  Minion Life  ♦  Movement Speed  ♦  Overpower Chance  ♦  Overpower Damage  ♦  Overpower Damage Bonus  ♦  Poison Resistance  ♦  Potion Charges  ♦  PvP Damage Reduction  ♦  Resist All  ♦  Shadow Resistance  ♦  Spirit Generation  ♦  Spirit On Kill  ♦  Thorns  ♦  Trap Cooldown Reduction  ♦  Vulnerable Damage  ♦  Vulnerable Damage Bonus  ♦  Warrior Armor  ♦  Weapon Damage  ♦  Weapon Speed  ♦  Werebear Armor  ♦  Willpower


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