wand of abe mari wands diablo4 wiki guide

Wand of Abe-Mari

Rare Wand
516 Item Power

  • 379 Damage Per Second
    • [253 - 379] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast Weapon)

+6.0% Lucky Hit Chance

[+30 - 37] Intelligence

[9.5-13.0%] Damage to Distant Enemies

[8.5 - 12.0%] Ultimate Skill Damage


So skilled was Abe-Mari at divination, they predicted the date of their own death; a skill that proved so ruinous that no mage since has attempted the feat. - Excerpt from Secrets of the Mage-Clans

Requires Level 40

Sell Value: 2gold currency diablo4 wiki fextralife 25px
Durability: 100/100

Wand of Abe-Mari is a Rare Wand in Diablo 4. Wand of Abe-Mari can be equipped by the Sorceress Class, and increases Intelligence, damage to distant enemies and ultimate skill damage. Weapons serve as essential tools for dealing damage to various Enemies, Bosses, and other players during PVP encounters. These armaments play a crucial role in enhancing a character's combat abilities and overall strength, allowing players to progress through the game's challenges more effectively


So skilled was Abe-Mari at divination, they predicted the date of their own death; a skill that proved so ruinous that no mage since has attempted the feat. - Excerpt from Secrets of the Mage-Clans

Diablo 4Wand of Abe-Mari Modifiers

Wand of Abe-Mari has the following modifiers:

[+30 - 37] Intelligence

[9.5-13.0%] Damage to Distant Enemies

[8.5 - 12.0%] Ultimate Skill Damage


How to get Wand of Abe-Mari in Diablo 4

Wand of Abe-Mari can be obtained by defeating the Super Unique Monster Abe-Mari


Diablo 4 Wand of Abe-Mari Notes & Lore

  • Additional Notes and Lore for Wand of Abe-Mari go here


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