Qin's Captivating Eye




0.8 Attacks per Second
X% Cooldown Reduction
+[5.4 – 11]% Lucky Hit Chance
+[13 – 20]% Lucky Hit Chance with Slow Damage
+[5 – 12]% Crowd Control Duration


Qin's Captivating Eye is a Focuses in Diablo 4. Qin's Captivating Eye can be equipped by the Sorceress/Necromancer  Class. Weapons serve as essential tools for dealing damage to various Enemies, Bosses, and other players during PVP encounters. These armaments play a crucial role in enhancing a character's combat abilities and overall strength, allowing players to progress through the game's challenges more effectively


Even removed from the demon's body, the eye continues to weave its hypnotic patterns.

Diablo 4Qin's Captivating Eye Modifiers

Qin's Captivating Eye has the following modifiers:

legendary 1 modifier icon diablo 4 wiki guide 20pxUnique Effect: __modifiers__


How to get Qin's Captivating Eye  in Diablo 4

Qin's Captivating Eye can randomly be obtained by defeating Enemies, opening Chests, or breaking objects in the game world. The game uses a randomized loot system, which means that the items that drop are randomly generated based on several factors.


Diablo 4 Qin's Captivating Eye Notes & Lore

  • Additional Notes and Lore for Qin's Captivating Eye go here


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