Seasonal Events in Diablo 4 are special events that are introduced to the game that last for a temporary period. Since the Blizzcon 2023 presentation, developers have introduced the new Seasonal Events feature and confirmed their first two events in late 2023. Each event will have its own set of rules, requirements, and rewards. This content is a separate feature from what is available while partaking in the Seasons and going through the Season Journey objectives. This gives players a chance to experience new content including encounters with new NPCs, dungeons, Enemies, and Bosses. This can also introduce additional Quests and Activities to those who wish to participate in the event. Seasonal Events can be classified as Endgame Events, which are advanced events that may require players to complete the Season campaign before gaining access to its content and features and the challenges that come with it. View all available Seasonal Events, and their event dates and information below. Click on the event to view all details. 

Rewards for Seasonal Events Diablo 4

Rewards for participating in Seasonal Events vary from event to event. Developers have released unique Cosmetics, Weapons and trophies to be earned while completing the objectives of each event. Other times, players can earn powerful Unique Glyphs that can only be levels or upgraded during the event period by participating in the event while it is active. 

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Seasonal Events in Diablo Titles

Seasonal Events are not new features to the Diablo Franchise. In previous games, Diablo has release seasonal holiday events to go with the festivities along with the previously released 22 Nights of Terror. Much like previous events, this gives players a chance to gain unique rewards that may only be available for the duration of the event and will require participation.  

Seasonal Event Period Diablo 4 

Seasonal Event dates will be announced shortly before the beginning of the event. Since these events are seasonal, they are intended to last for a temporary period or until the end of the Season. The period of these events will be constrained within the Season it is released in. This makes completing objectives and earning event rewards more urgent. They typically last a few weeks. End dates for events are usually also announced with the events so players know how much time they have to progress and complete all objectives. Players can use the time prior to the start dates to prepare to complete any requirements or prerequisites before the event begins. 


Seasonal Event Features Diablo 4

Seasonal Event objectives and features will vary based on the type of event it is. This gives each event its own unique set of requirements, prerequisites and rewards. Some events will take players into new locations, and introduce new NPCs and characters. Other will unlock additional Bosses and Dungeons while increasing in difficulty and adding modifiers for new experiences. 



Seasonal Events Diablo 4

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Abattoir of Zir

Season: Season of Blood

Start Date: December 5, 2023

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Midwinter Blight

Season: Season of Blood

Start Date: December 12, 2023

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Arcane Tremors

Season: Season of the Construct

Start Date: January 23, 2024


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Lunar Awakening

Season: Season of the Construct

Start Date: February 6, 2024

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Infernal Hordes

Season: Season of the Infernal Hordes

Start Date: August 6th, 2024

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Realmwalkers and Seething Realms

Season: Season of Hatred Rising

Start Date: October 7th, 2024


slay ride to hell event diablo4 wiki guide
Slay Ride to Hell

Season: Season of Hatred Rising

Start Date: December 17, 10 a.m. PST




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