The Altar of Cleansing in Diablo 4 is a PvP feature that can be interacted with within the Fields of Hatred in order to remove a Bloodmark. The Mark for Blood in the Fields of Hatred allows players to attack others and be attacked by other players within the designated PvP zones. Players can only activate this mark within the Fields of Hatred. There are two Fields of Hatred locations on the map. Players who do not wish to engage in PvP are not required to display a Bloodmark. Players without a Bloodmark can still enter the PvP zones and engage with monsters.


Altar of Cleansing Diablo 4 Guide 

What is the Altar of Cleansing?

The Altar of Cleansing is a Point of Interest location found within the two Fields of Hatred. They are used to remove your own Bloodmark once you have activated your Mark for Blood. 


Removing the Bloodmark D4

If you wish to end your PvP interactions players can then interact with the Altar of Cleansing to remove the Bloodmark. Players can still remain in the Fields of Hatred and PvP zones however they will not be able to attack other players or be attacked by other players. The Altar of Cleansing can be found in these locations on the map: 


How to Mark for Blood D4

To mark for blood, players will need to bring up their Emote wheel where there will be an option to Mark for Blood. Players that are Bloodmarked can then begin attacking other players.  You can check your Bloodmark status in the action wheel. If this is not active you will have the option to "Mark for Blood." With your Bloodmark activate, you action wheel will also say that "You are Bloodmarked."  

pvp popup diablo 4 wiki guide 

Altar Of Cleansing Locations

Altars of Cleansing are located conveniently within the Fields of Hatred. Since there are two Fields of Hatred locations on the map, there will be one Altar in each area. View each altar location on the Map below:

Diablo 4 Interactive Map

diablo 4 dungeons a complete guide of all dungeons in diablo 4



PvP Stats 

 As soon as players enter PVP areas, they will receive different buffs that change how certain mechanics change from the standard areas.




Constant bloodshed has altered the flow of combat in this area +20 Damage over Time
+40% Control Impaired Duration Reduction
+35% Potion Drop Rate
-35% Potion Healing
+8 Seconds to Potion Cooldown
-50% Minion/Companion Health

You are inside the Fields of Hatred! Those who are Bloodmarked may attack or be attacked by any other Players in the area. You can Mark for Blood through the Action Wheel.

You cannot Mount while being attacked by other players.

Killing other players:
Drops their Seeds of Hatred
Heals you for 15% Missing Life
Reduces your Cooldowns by 10 seconds.

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